A Blast from the Past!
At Buckle My Shoe we love providing our little ones with meaningful opportunities to explore and learn more about the world around them. Technology is a big part of our every day lives and plays an essential role in keeping us connected with each other.
In our pretend play area, we often see our little ones incorporating items from our technology box in their role play – pretending to use these items to communicate with one another. To extend on this, one of our wonderful kaiako brought in an old typewriter and left it in the pretend play area for our little ones to discover.
It was interesting to watch as they spotted this new item and began exploring its features – having conversations about what it was. They noticed that it had letters on the different keys – just like a computer, but were a bit unsure about where the screen was.
After some time, they were shown where the paper goes and were encouraged to have a turn setting the typewriter up – which required focus and patience. Our little ones were so engrossed with this different looking machine and spent much of the day taking turns to have a closer look and pretending to type out their own letters. 😊
The following day, we set up our art area with paper and office stamps. Many of our little ones had not seen this type of stamp before and this provoked discussions about what they were used for and how they too served a purpose when sending letters and important documentation. They really enjoyed pushing down on the stamps (as this made a cool noise) and then seeing the outcome on their pieces of paper.
As our world moves to be more digital, it is still important to share with our little ones how we used to communicate in prior years so that they gain a deeper understanding of the ever changing world around them.