Change of Season!
Over the last week, as our little ones have returned to the centre, they have noticed a difference in our garden. The green grass and outdoor play area have become home to some enormous reddish-brown and orange crunchy leaves. “It’s Autumn”, one of our little ones explained and together we had a discussion about the change of weather and season.
Each day there were more and more leaves and we spotted the culprit – a very tall tree outside the centre. Some of our little ones enjoyed the crunching sound that the autumn leaves made under their shoes as they entered our centre, while others enjoyed exploring the variations in their colours and sizes.
Very quickly, it got to a point where the autumn leaves were everywhere! We decided to have an autumn clean of our play area and pick up all the crunchy leaves, collecting them in a bag to use for activities!
As we did this, our little ones continued to crunch the leaves under their feet and between their hands – delighting in this sensory interaction. It was also great to see them taking responsibility for their play space and working as a team to clear up all the leaves. 😊
Watch this space to see what cool experiences our little ones get up to with these Autumn Leaves!