The Lemon Stand
Water play is an absolute favourite amongst our little ones and whenever the sun is shining, you can bet the water trough is full.
Recently, as we began filling the water trough, our little ones were asked what they wanted to add to the water. “Can we make it yellow?”, one child asked and soon enough, drips of yellow dye were being added to the water.
To help the colour spread, our little ones used their hands and were very pleased when they saw bright yellow water. “It’s like lemonade!”, one little learner said and just from this one statement, an idea was born. Cups, pots, spoons and other utensils were gathered and set up on the boxes by some children, whilst others grabbed a piece of paper and pencil from inside - ready to make a sign.
A “Lemonade Stand” sign was made and soon all our little workers were busy filling up bottles and cups with lemonade – ready for sale! 😊
By trial and error, they soon found out that a lot of the lemonade wasn’t making it into the bottles, so they began using funnels to help this process. Holding the funnel with one hand and using the other to pour the lemonade required concentration and focus – but our little ones were more than capable.
With bottles of lemonade ready for sale, roles were reviewed and some of the little workers transformed into pretend customers.
By the end of the morning, all the lemonade was SOLD OUT! Whoop whoop!!!
Could this be a glimpse at budding entrepreneurs at Buckle My Shoe? 😊