Let's Play - Animal Rescue!
Our little ones have the busiest little hands – ready and eager to explore the different learning experiences we plan and set up for them. Today we thought we could challenge them with a set up called ‘animal rescue’.
In a basket were our animals and as our little ones moved closer they noticed that they looked a bit different. “What’s around them?”, one child asked and after some discussion about the rubber bands around the animals, the challenge was set – for anyone brave enough – to rescue the animals. It began with a few children concentrating on their animal of choice, using their finger muscles to try and stretch, pull and alter the rubber band to come off. For some of our little ones, it was really challenging and required a lot of perseverance and patience and for others it only took a few little manoeuvres. 🦁🐶😊
It was awesome to see the satisfaction on their faces when they were finally able to free their animal. Yay! This sense of achievement empowered them to then want to have another go. 💕🙌
During this fun and hands-on game, our little ones are developing their gross motor skills, hand-eye coordination and visual perception skills whilst strengthening their ability to problem solve, concentrate and be motivated in their learning. 👍
We can confidently confirm that all the animals were rescued!! 😍
Feel free to try this fun game at home!