Smoothie Day at Buckle My Shoe!
Our Tamariki love to be involved in anything food related and so a big part of our curriculum is food technology. We’ve noticed that many of our little ones were role playing making smoothies in our pretend play kitchen corner, so we decided to extend on this and link it to a real life experience! 😍
In our freezer we had frozen bananas, blueberries and ice-cream and what better way to use them, than making healthy smoothies. Our tamariki were interested in choosing their ingredients, adding them into the blender and pushing the button on the blender. They were intrigued by the way the ingredients all blended and swished together, however not all of them were super keen on the noise it made.
Once the ingredients were all mixed together, it was time for a taste test – yes please!
It was clear to say that all of our little ones enjoyed the smoothie they had made, with some even wearing a souvenir of their enjoyment in the form of a milk moustache. 😋
Smoothies are a great way to introduce new fruit and vegetables to children and there are endless opportunities of combinations to try. We will definitely be making smoothies again - wonder if next time, each child could bring in their favourite ingredient to add to their smoothie? 😊😊💖🙌