Daffodil Day 2020 at Buckle My Shoe!
To celebrate Daffodil Day, we had a yellow themed dress up day at the centre as well as many fun yellow themed experiences throughout the day. Daffodil Day is a way to raise money for the Cancer Society and so each child brought along a gold coin donation or bought a ticket to go into the draw for our special yellow themed raffle. Our tamariki enjoyed attaching their gold coin to our daffodil day trail and counting how many coins were collected at the very end.
With everyone in yellow, the centre was filled with brightness and joy and that certainly was reflected in everyone's mood as well! 😊
Yellow playdough, yellow painting and different yellow themed provocations were set up - including a face painting station because let's face it, no event is complete without face painting!! 😃
To top off our yellow themed Daffodil Day, we had a special visit from one of our wonderful whanau members, Barney - who spent afternoon mat time with us. Barney also dressed up in daffodil colours and brought along a special friend to tell us a story.
Thank you everyone for all your donations towards the Cancer Society. We are proud to say that we raised $91.30 for people in need. Ka Pai whanau and tamariki!