Peg Board Patterns
With all the wet, windy and cold weather around us, our little ones have been keeping busy indoors. One of our little ones’ favourite resources at the centre are our peg boards, so we decided to set these up for exploring. We provided a separate bowl of pegs for each board and soon enough every seat at the table was taken. Some children chose to start from one side of their board, while others were more focused on the colours. Regardless of their strategy, they were firmly concentrated on what they were doing. When they had finished creating their picture and had covered their board entirely with pegs, many of our little ones decided they wanted to have another go. One of our tamariki figured out that when she turned her board upside down, some of the pegs fell out. This got her thinking about the holes and one by one she began pushing the pegs by their points, so that they fell from the board, back into the bowl below. What clever thinking!
Through these interactions, it was lovely to see kindness (as our little ones shared their pegs with each other), problem solving (as they established different ways to make their creation) as well as an eagerness to explore. Using peg boards is great for children, especially toddlers. It provides opportunities to explore pattern creation, sequencing, counting and colour recognition. Their fine motor skills and finger muscles are being stimulated as well. 😊