Pink Shirt Day at Buckle My Shoe!
Last week we celebrated Pink Shirt Day as a part of anti-bullying awareness. Promoting kindness and celebrating diversity are things that we commit to daily within the centre; so it was a great chance for us to extend on this and explain further to our tamariki just how important they really are! 😍
During the day, we used some props - rainbows and speech bubbles - with strengthening words such as "Speak Up" "Korero Mai" and "Stand Strong". We also decorated our own t-shirts. This was an awesome chance for our little ones to be creative and express how they are feeling through art. 👩🎨👨🎨
We had a special mat time where one of our lovely kaiako explained the importance of being kind, and we put up a "compliment" board. Our tamariki were encouraged to come up and pick a compliment from the board. We read it aloud to them and then they would choose a special friend to give it to. Sharing the love with our friends. 💕
This was such a fun activity that everybody was excited to take part in, and spreading the warm fuzzies around left everyone feeling happy. 😊😊👏
At Buckle My Shoe, through our ‘Growing Great Character Program’ our little ones have daily opportunities to learn about and demonstrate the qualities of kindness, teamwork, leadership, resilience and respect. When our tamariki show these values in meaningful ways, they are recognised for them and are empowered to continue to build on these positive traits – creating a better learning environment together. 🙌
Well done everyone! What a fun day. Everyone looked and felt great, and after all - this is what Pink Shirt Day is all about! Ka pai tamariki ma 😊👍