We're Going to Space!
When our little ones were exploring outside, we couldn’t help but notice a group of astronauts preparing to go to space. Using the outdoor polydrons, they created special helmets to wear – “So it will help us breathe”, one of them explained. With their helmets secure, they were ready to go.
“That’s our rocket”, they said whilst pointing to the pretend playhouse. As they made their way into the rocket, they pretended to flick switches on and press buttons to get their rocket all powered up, ready for take-off. “Are you ready?”, one of our little ones asked and after receiving nods from his friends, they began the countdown together - “10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 BLAST OFF!!”
As their rocket launched off into outer space, they held on tight, turning different knobs and wheels to control the direction they were going. Once they had reached their destination, they carefully exited the rocket and were pleased to find themselves on the moon!
This adventure to space role-play happened at the perfect time, as there was a real space launch expected to happen that very same day. We decided to research this together and extend our knowledge of rockets and what is done in preparation for trips to space. Our little ones really enjoyed watching videos of real rockets taking off and this added depth to their understanding and provided real-life context. You never know – they may be our astronauts of the future! 😊👩🚀🚀